Access a range of information, resources and videos for Healthcare Professionals, we also have self-help tools for patients.
We have teamed up with our local NHS service to offer a free Health Information Video Library, giving you access to nearly 100 videos on a range of health and wellbeing topics.These videos give clear, factual information about a wide range of subjects.
Click here to access these videos.
In addition, we'll post other useful videos here, for those involved in the care of patients and families facing a life-limiting illness.
Talking about death and dying is not an easy subject, but now more than ever we need to prepare ourselves to have these conversations with residents and families.
During the current situation, we have the additional pressure that we may face more deaths than usual and the time we have to prepare may be shorter than usual. And of course, we may not be able to see families face to face. Being confident to hold these conversations is important and we have included a selection of links here that focus on talking about dying and coping with bereavement.
Information and downloadable resources to help with help people talk more openly about dying, death and bereavement, and to make plans for the end of life.
This video from Health Education England explains the structured communication and escalation practice used in relation to news and deterioration.
This video from Health Education England is designed to help healthcare professionals to understand treatment escalation plans (TEP) and resuscitation for deteriorating patients.
This page gives a number of resources and external links for bereavement support.
Preparing people for end of life, helping them focus on their priorities and decision making is an important part of our work. The current situation is highlighting the value of starting conversations early and documenting preferences, priorities and decisions so we can support residents and families at end of life. These links will support your existing practice and help build skill and confidence in advanced care planning.
We offer Advance Care Planning Training here at North Devon Hospice, find out more here.
Planning ahead resources including Advanced decisions to refuse treatment
Information and resources on planning ahead
Compassion in Dying Advance Statement form
Compassion in Dying Advance Decision Pack
Compassion in Dying Make an Advance Decision
Palliative Care Guidelines and Drug Compatibility
Government information Improving people’s experience of care in the last few days and hours of life
We offer Pharmacological Symptom Management Training here at North Devon Hospice, find out more here.
This chart is used to safely convert between opioids, ensuring that equivalent doses are used.
This chart was created collaboratively between the Consultants in Palliative Medicine at the four Devon Hospices; North Devon Hospice, Rowcroft Hospice, St. Luke’s Hospice and Hospiscare.
The Devon Formulary is produced in collaboration with NHS Devon ICB, Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust, University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust, Devon Partnership NHS Trust, and Livewell Southwest. Promoting safe, effective, and economic prescribing in primary and secondary care. Providing guidance on locally recommended drug choices.
Features include:
- Up to date clinical guidance
- Drug monographs
- Interactive learning with formulary quizzes
- Downloadable formulary for GP prescribing systems
The North & East Devon Referral Guidelines contain helpful primary care information for management of referrals, up to date referral criteria and key messages from the Devon Referral Support Service. These guidelines are locality specific to best reflect local service. All guidelines published on the website are signed off by NHS Devon ICB under a robust clinical sign off.
Click here to access the formulary website.