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Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame

A roll call of some of the incredible people who have made a difference to local lives this year with the support of the hospice



12 year old Kaleb swam an incredible 10km throughout May to raise vital funds for us here at North Devon Hospice. His grit and determination saw him smash his original goal of 5km and raise an amazing £656! We are so grateful for your support, Kaleb, and we couldn't be prouder of you! Kaleb was swimming in loving memory his great-grandad and grandad, as well as his other grandad who is currently receiving our support. You are an absolute superstar Kaleb and we cannot thank you enough for taking on such a brilliant challenge to support those that need us most in our local community.





Claire began her running journey by supporting her husband as a bit of company on his 5k runs. Shortly after catching the running bug, she tackled her own 10k runs which led Claire to look for her next running challenge. After news that her dear friend had been given a cancer diagnosis, she wanted to do something to help. Claire began training for Bideford Half Marathon and absolutely smashed it finishing with a time of 2hours, 25minutes and 27seconds! All of us here are incredibly proud of Claire's determination to her training programme and in awe of all her fundraising efforts to raise £1007 for North Devon Hospice. Thankyou so much Claire, we cannot wait to see the next challenge you take on! 





21 police officers and staff from the South West Force, took on one of the toughest mountain challenges in the UK to complete in 24 hours earlier this year. The Welsh 15 Peaks Challenge covers 37.5 miles and over 15,000 feet of elevation across incredibly challenging terrain. The team endured horrendous weather throughout, but despite this, managed to conquer 14 peaks and raise an incredible £5,159!! We are so incredibly proud of all that they have achieved and cannot thank them enough for their continued support for us here at North Devon Hospice. You're all absolute superstars!!




The wonderful, and incredibly brave, Lisa and Janet, took on the daredevil challenge of a Wing Walk for us in May, down at Dunkeswell Aerodrome. Between them, they have raised an amazing £1730, all in loving memory of Janet's husband, Keith, who was cared for by the hospice. We couldn't be more proud of them both and are so grateful for their continued support.




The wonderful Sue Revington from Okehampton organised a 24hour Pilatathon in memory of her dear friend Paula who recently spent time at The Long House, Holsworthy receiving complementary therapies and care from our hospice staff and volunteers. The sun was shining during the afternoon where we celebrated Sue's success of raising £2266 at her challenging 24 hour event. It was lovely to meet Paula's family and hear stories of happy memories that they will cherish forever. We cannot thank Sue enough for her organising of this event and for raising such an incredible amount of money which will allow North Devon Hospice to continue supporting local people and their loved ones. 




A man who spent many years working at North Devon Hospice himself on the bedded unit supporting patients, has now has a slight change in career and has pursued his love of art and painting! Howard hosted an art exhibition and raised an incredible £1500. We cannot thank Howard enough for his years of care, compassion and dedication to ensuring patients were looked after and comfortable. We now can congratulate him on supporting North Devon Hospice in a completely different way! Thank you for everything you've done and continue to do Howard, what a pleasure it was to give you a tour of the hospice and for you to see the changes that have happened since you left. We hope to see you again soon! 



President Mark Milton invited us along to the Bideford Skittle League's AGM meeting to present one of Community Fundraisers a £300 cheque from fundraising that the Bideford Skittles League had done. The Bideford Conservative Club was full of members of the league who all contributed to this amazing amount of fundraising and were a great audience when being told how vital their funds were and how their fundraising will support local patients and families. Thank you so much everyone in the league!


Kev took on the incredible challenge of walking the entire length of the Camino del Norte in Spain in May this year, to raise vital funds for us here at North Devon Hospice. The Camino del Norte, also known as the Northern Way or the Way by the Coast, is one of the oldest routes of the Camino del Santiago, a pilgrimage to the tomb of the Apostle Saint James the Great in Santiago de Compostela. Covering over 500 miles on just 5 weeks, Kev raised a wonderful £396.93. We are so grateful for your continued support Kev - now go and put your feet up for a very well-deserved rest!




Huge thanks to Jade & Claire and their amazing team at the Puffing Billy Cafe, Torrington for hosting a Big Breakfast for us and raising a brilliant £561.24! It was a fantastic morning, with all tables booked out for the duration! Thank you so much for your support guys, it really does mean the world to us and those that we care for.



A HUGE Thank You to Braunton Caen Rotary Club for organising their annual Car tour 2024, in aid of North Devon Hospice. It was a wonderful day, starting out at The Williams Arms, Wrafton for breakfast, before setting off on a stunning 80 mile route through the stunning North Devon countryside, complete with a quiz along the way. It was an absolute pleasure to welcome everyone back to Deer Park afterwards for a cream tea and raffle draw. Huge thanks to Paul, Robert and Gary for coming up to share with us their incredible final total of £1200! We are so grateful for your support and cannot wait for next year's!


The wonderful Karen and her awesome team of volunteers (not all pictured) raised an incredible £1549.03 at their Big Breakfast event this year! It was a brilliant morning, with the team cooking and serving over 100 breakfasts! It was an absolute pleasure to be invited out to reveal the final amount to the club and meet all those who had given up their time to help support North Devon Hospice.  Ilfracombe Yacht Club have supported us here for a number of years and we cannot thank you enough for making sure we can continue to be here for those that need us most, in our local community. You are all amazing!


It was an absolute pleasure to welcome the fabulous Ladies Golf Team from Saunton Golf Club to celebrate their raising an incredible £3349 earlier on in the year at their Big Breakfast! It was a wonderful day and so well supported by both club members and our local community. Saunton Golf Club have been dedicated supporters of North Devon Hospice for many years and we cannot thank them enough for all they have done for us in that time. We are looking forward to next year's Big Breakfast already!



The wonderful Claire, Geoffrey, Rosie, Peter, and Liz from Exmoor Carolers, came up to visit us at Deer Park to present us with a cheque for the absolutely incredible amount of £2800, raised at their carol concerts throughout the Christmas period last year. Exmoor Carolers were founded in 2006 by Thomas John Parker, or John to those who knew and loved him, who was cared for on the Bedded Unit a few years ago. It’s thanks to the generosity of our local community that we can continue to be there for people like John in the toughest of times. Thank you so much for your support.




The wonderful Sue Lee and her amazing team of volunteers at Langtree Village Hall raised the absolutely fantastic amount of £1116.30 at their Big Breakfast Event! Two of our lovely Hospice Ambassadors, Rita, and Bryan, went along to help as well and commented on what a wonderful morning it was to be a part of. Sue and Langtree Village have been avid fundraisers  for the Hospice for several years and we are so very grateful for their continued support.



Huge thanks and congratulations to Pru, Hilda and Micheal who, with the help and support of Fremington Friendship Club, put on a wonderful fundraising Coffee Morning to raise vital funds for North Devon Hospice in memory of Hilda’s beloved husband, Dave, who passed away earlier this year.

The morning was full of amazing craft stalls, a raffle and tombola, delicious homemade cakes, biscuits, and scones.  It was so lovely to see the community come together and support such a fantastic event. They raised an incredible £683.75 in total!

Huge thanks to the following local businesses who donated gifts and vouchers for the Raffle:

Sandbank Café, Yelland

Tesco Extra, Sticklepath

BJ’s Value House

The Puffing Billy, Torrington

Graylings Fish & Chips, Fremington

T&B Treats and Bakes, Okehampton

 Special thanks to Marion & St.Peter’s Church, Fremington for providing the Hall for free. Also, to all the lovely donations from friends. Your support is so greatly appreciated.





Kevin and Karen Prideaux and their wonderful customers at The Sandpiper Inn, Ilfracombe, raised the fantastic amount of £268.58 for us from their collection bucket. Both Kevin and Karen had loved ones cared for by us here at North Devon Hospice. We are so privileged we could be there for you and your family. Thank you so much for your continued support.



RoSPA North Devon Advanced Riders and Drivers are a fantastic group of people who volunteer their own time to help you improve your skills on the road, helping you to feel safer and more confident on the roads whilst having fun learning. Members of the charity gathered on Saturday 23rd December for a rideout in memory of member Graham Smale. The group were waved off by Graham's family and then travelled from Roundswell to Tiverton, to Minehead and then back into Barnstaple. The group of around 20 riders celebrated Graham's life by riding in his memory and raised a fantastic £600 from donations in doing so. Thank you so much for keeping our roads safe and for supporting North Devon Hospice in Graham's memory. 




A huge thankyou goes out to Rose for hosting a coffee morning on the first Weds of every month in aid of us here at North Devon Hospice. Special thanks to South Molton Smart Swim Centre and their fantastic staff who support Rose in doing this in their café area. Rose gathers cakes and raffle prizes from the generous community of South Molton in the lead up to each months coffee morning and has a group of regular attendees who are hugely appreciated for their support. Keep up the amazing work Rose!



The musical members of Anchors Aweigh (not all in this photograph) perform their amazing sea shanties throughout the year at different events. They spent the majority of their summer time in Mortehoe playing for the many locals and holiday makers. This fab bunch get the crowd going with the catchy shanty lyrics and actions to go with them. Anchors Aweigh collect donations for North Devon Hospice at every one of their performances and have added the amount of £660.50 from their last year of fundraising to their running grand total of an outstanding £3580. We 



North Devon Hospice want to send huge thanks to all members of Harracott WI for their amazing fundraising events that they have been putting on over the last year. They have hosted a bingo night, cream tea event and more. These events take a great amount of time, organisation and team work from a community group which we are truly grateful that every member of Harracott WI came together to carry out these events to raise money for North Devon Hospice. Thank you everyone!



Wendy Beck has been working incredibly hard recently to find and gather prizes and run her raffle all in aid of North Devon Hospice. Wendy's beautiful Mum was cared for by North Devon Hospice and she wanted to give something back. Wendy sourced fantastic prizes from her friends, local community and businesses and raised an outstanding £900. It was lovely to hear of how Wendy's friends have supported her with donating vouchers. Thankyou so much Wendy, from all of us here at North Devon Hospice. 



North Devon Hospice would like to say a huge thank you to all of the residents at Medard House for their wonderful sense of community spirit, coming together each week for a coffee morning to raise money for charity. It was great to attend this cheque presentation and see lots of residents spending time together chatting and enjoying the home made cakes. Spending time out in the community is so important to us here  at North Devon Hospice and we are so thankful that the residents welcomed our Community Fundraiser Georgia along to celebrate their amazing amount of £500 raised through their coffee mornings. Thankyou all for your continued support! 



It was lovely to attend the Woolsery Show Committees AGM this week and see lots of familiar faces from the show day back in July. This wonderful team of local people come together year after year to organise The Woolsery & District Agricultural Show which was a fantastic day out for all the family. The day consists of livestock, exhibits, crafts, local foods, hounds, vintage machinery and much more. North Devon Hospice would like to give a huge thankyou to the committee team for choosing us as their charity of the year which has led to the amazing donation of £2000. We are already excited for show season 2024 to begin and to be part of this fantastic show again!





The incredibly talented Bryony Sapsford baked and decorated a beautiful Christmas cake which her and husband Brian then raffled off at their local church. The community of St Marys Church raised a fantastic £220.50 which will go towards allowing our nursing team to continue supporting patients and families in their own homes as well as on our bedded unit here at Deer Park. From all of us here at North Devon Hospice, thank you for taking the time to make such a beautiful cake and thank you to the St Mary's Church community for coming together and raising money. 




Throughout 2023, the wonderful Croyde Support Group have been working hard arranging their own fundraising events to support North Devon Hospice raise vital funds to support patients and families who are facing a life limiting illness. Croyde Support Group have organised events such as bingo night, cream teas, Christmas wreath making and more. Their fantastic organisation partnered with the kind generosity of local businesses and their local communities coming together has allowed them to raise £9791. What an amazing achievement, we cannot wait to continue working with this amazing group! 




This fantastic group of people came together to hold a sheep shearing fundraiser which raised £5000 for two fantastic charities. It is truly amazing to know that within our North Devon community, the people of South Molton Sheep Group came together for a day of fun in order to support North Devon Hospice. Without the kindness and generosity of them and the people who attended this event, we would not be able to support patients and families across North Devon when they need it most. A huge well done and thank you to you all! 




North Devon Hospice want to say a huge thankyou to The Devils' Stone Inn Shebbear, who have been hosting a monthly quiz for the last 6 months in aid of North Devon Hospice. What a fantastic amount of money to be raised in such a short space of time, £1279 will allow our nursing team to continue being able to support patients and their families not only here at Deer Park, but also those being cared for within the comfort of their own homes too. Thank you all! 



The wonderful ladies at Bradworthy WI held a hugely successful Ploughmans and Pudding event which raised £700 for North Devon Hospice. We would firstly like to thank the Bradworthy WI group for choosing us as one of the two fantastic charities for their fundraising efforts to go to. We also acknowledge how much time, effort and planning goes into these lovely events and how much joy they bring to the local community. It is amazing to hear of how many members of the local Bradworthy community came together to support their local WI group and to spend time together and make memories whilst enjoying a delicious lunch! Events like these truly warm our hearts here at the hospice and it is a massive thank you to everyone who was involved and all those who attended. 



Frank has been baking an array of beautiful rolls and loafs to sell at a local Bradworthy Craft Fayre and over the last 6 months has raised an incredible £819 so far. He is very keen to keep baking to keep the people of Bradworthy full and to raise money for North Devon Hospice, who are very close to his heart since his wife Carol was cared for by some of our nursing team. What a wonderful way of supporting his local community alongside raising vital funds for North Devon Hospice. Thank you for your kindness Frank. 



A massive thanks to this fantastic group of people, The Tarka Quilters, who have raised and amazing £5108.36 from events, sales, raffles and an exhibition in Bideford since April this year. The organisation from all of these wonderful people has been amazing to see and their fundraising amount is a true reflection of how hard they have all worked. From all of us here at North Devon Hospice, we want to thank you for everything you have done throughout 2023 to raise this huge amount of money which will support our patients and their families. 


A huge thank you to Barum Mower Club for raising an incredible £655.00. For over 10 years this group has been running and every year they choose a charity to support and fundraise for. They race ride on lawn mowers around Devon and Cornwall and this year they chose to support North Devon Hospice in memory of a family member in our care. Thank you so much, Every pound raised will help us to provide the vital care and support to patients and their families facing the toughest of times. Pictured below is Liz Clarke, Chair of the club, Shauna Tapscott - Morphew, Treasurer, Hunter Tapscott - Morphew, Mascott and Erin West, Community Fundraiser at North Devon Hospice.



North Devon Hospice would like to say a huge thank you to the squires sisters for raising an incredible £1553.55. The impetus for this was the youngest sister Jo who celebrated her 50th birthday this year and suggested they do some fundraising around "50" theme events. So they got together and did a 50 mile walk - the Coleridge way - over 3 consecutive days. Jo then did a 50KM Ultramarathon on Exmoor and they also held a charity disco and auction of promises. All of this amazing fundraising raised over £6000 and they have kindly split this between 3 different charities. Thank you so much, you have made a real difference to so many in our care.



A massive thankyou to Libbaton Golf Clubs Charity Committee who have been working tirelessly over the last year to raise money for North Devon Hospice. They have organised auctions with fantastic prizes, held a 12 hour golfing challenge and lots of other fantastic fundraising events to raise vital funds for patients and families receiving care and support from North Devon Hospice. The amazing members of Libbaton have clubbed together over the last year and raised an enormous £3,000. Libbaton Golf Club have also given us the exciting news that they have chosen to continue supporting North Devon Hospice for the next year. Thank you so much to everyone involved with the fundraising that has been happening at Libbaton Golf Club, we look forward to continue working with you!



Congratulations to our Dining Out Experience Raffle winner Hazel from Fremington, who has bagged themselves the incredible prize of 20 meals for two at 20 North Devon restaurants. A huge thank you to everyone who entered and to the amazing restaurants and hospice volunteers who have made this raffle possible. Your support means that patients and their families facing the toughest times can be wrapped up in our care and held by the hospice at a time when they really do need it most. 



This forceful team of four friends took on The Two Ball Rally challenge, a route taking them through 9 countries in 4 days in a banger car! With competition of over 50 other cars, they were very proud to come 9th place! The Two Ball Rally is not a race is a competition based over various countries doing testing challenges to score points!
The Unicorns covered over 1500 miles in 4 days. They could not have done it without the amazing local business sponsors for their fuel fund:
The Royal Exchange, Torrington. Elite access scaffolding. Duffys home hardware. TRIPLE J CONSTRUCTION. Function Fitness. Torrington Cavaliers. Tamar Trading
Dartington Crystal. Honeywood Orchard. Mike Steer. Sam Pett of CS of Shebbear. Mimic signs.
They have raised this outstanding amount of money by running their own fundraising events including mini festivals and would not of been able to do so without the support their local Great Torrington community. The money this amazing group of people have raised will allow North Devon Hospice to continue providing care to patients and families at a time they need it most, so a huge thank you for everything you have done! 



South Molton Community College empower their students to choose a charity to donate to when they hold events such as a non school uniform. The brilliant students of South Molton Community College kindly chose North Devon Hospice and raised an amazing £262.50! The schools principle Rachel had some fantastic ideas of how to hospice and college can work together to support the local community and we are really looking excited to see what we can achieve in the future! Thank you again to everyone involved.



A huge thank you to one of our fantastic volunteers Vincent Sullivan who decided very last minute to cycle The Dartmoor Way, a 95 mile long circular route which winds its way around the natural beauty of Dartmoor National Park. Vincent completed this cycle in three days and faced every type of weather possible on his way! The kindness and generosity of people he met along the way was something he shall never forget and his cycle will not be forgotten by us. With just over a week of fundraising Vincent did an outstanding job of raising £309! Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do for our patients and families Vincent! 



A huge thank you to Tia Atkinson for organising an incredible charity party and raising an amazing £2061.45. Thank you so much for all the hard work that went into this, collecting some amazing prizes. Because of you we are able to help patients and their loved ones to create ever lasting memories even in their final days, from birdwatching from their balcony at the bedded unit, to family dinners in our terrace cafe, it is so important to us to be able to make sure that the ending matters, Thank you for making this possible.



Huge thanks to Rock Park Bowling Club for their generous donation of £275, raised from fines and donations from their Mixed Group Tour to Torquay. North Devon Hospice was chosen thanks to the support given to Club Member Paul Holland’s dearly missed wife, Mandy. Thank you to you all, for helping to ensure other local patients and their families feel safe, cared for and supported. Pictured left to right: Club Members Pauline Kelly, Paul Holland and Michael Kelly and North Devon Hospice Community Fundraiser, Erin West.



It was great to attend a cheque presentation with North Devon Road Runners. Earlier on in the year they organised a 5 & 10 K running event called Arlington Court Canter with a summer social afterwards. North Devon Hospice were given the opportunity to support the event with marshalling for a donation to the charity. We are so thankful for receiving £300 from North Devon Road Runners, thank you so much, I hope you know the difference you will make to patients and their families. 



A massive thank you to Braunton Rotary Club for raising an incredible £1100 at their golf ball race in August. At a time where our community nurses are caring for more people than ever in their homes, we really are so grateful for your continued support. Thankyou to all those who organised, sponsored or took part in the event.




The Manor House Inn in Croyde, raise vital funds for local charities and add 25p to each main meal. In August The Manor chose to support North Devon Hospice and raised an incredible £1043.00 and the same for the Children's Hospice. Thank you so much to the staff and all the customers, we are so grateful and we hope you all know the difference you will make to patients and their families facing the hardest of times. 



What a lovely opportunity it was for our Clinical Nurse Specialist Gary and Adele to catch up when she came to Deer Park to present a cheque of a fantastic £1500 raised at her son Lewis' funeral. Lewis was cared for by Gary and it was clear to see the caring relationship the pair had built during their time together. The generosity of Lewis' loved ones is truly appreciated and will allow the hospice to continue providing the care, love and support to families just like the Kingdon's. Thankyou so much! 


A big thank you to Bideford District Riding Club who organised another fabulous dressage competition. An incredible £760.46 was raised which will help our nurses and supportive care team provide the vital care to those in the bedded unit, out in the community and at our outreach centre in Holsworthy. We really are so grateful to the community who support us in your incredible fundraising activities. 



What could we possibly write about this wonder women? Jade Kingdom took on another mammoth challenge, taking part in an Olympic distance triathlon in London. Jade trained hard for 7 months, with early starts and gruelling weather, according to Judy, Jades mum, Jade did not moan once! On the day Jade did a 1500metre swim, a 40KM bike ride and a 10KM run, smashing a PB too. Jade has managed to raise a whooping £3782.23 for North Devon Hospice which is just incredible, not only have you raised money you have inspired thousands of people with your sheer strength and perseverance, we are so grateful to you and for everything you have done for us. 



We would like like to say a huge thank you to Sue and Barnstaple Darts Summer and Winter Group for organising a darts competition in memory of their friend Bob. A brilliant £865.00 was donated to North Devon Hospice. Well done for organising and raising such an incredible amount, we know that lot's of hard work went on behind the scenes gathering raffle prizes and organising the competition. We really are so grateful and hope you know the difference you will all make, thank you.



This fantastic young girl wanted to do something great for the hospice after not being able to join in with our Night Walk event. Lexi invented her own fundraiser of attempting to walk over 20 miles during her school half-term. Lexi absolutely smashed her target and is an amazing fundraiser! North Devon Hospice want to say a HUGE thankyou to Lexi and her Mum for walking all of those miles to support our patients and families. We cannot wait to see what you get up to next Lexi! Well done! 



North Devon Hospice would like to say a big thank you to Bideford Tangent Group for raising an incredible £600. Without incredible support from people like you, we could not continue to provide the care and support that is so very needed to patients and their loved ones facing the toughest of times. It was so lovely to meet you all and show you around Deer Park.



A HUGE thank you to Sue and Dave Skinner who host the incredible annual event Shebfest. Each year Shebfest raises an incredible amount to North Devon Hospice, which helps us to provide vital care and support to our patients and their families in North Devon. Thank you so much, we really are so grateful for the continued support from you both and for choosing to support North Devon Hospice. 



Andrew is a familiar face at the hospice and a familiar face out in the local area in his Hockings van. This year Andrew took on the mammoth challenge of running the London marathon. With all the support of his customers, friends and family, Andrew managed to raise an incredible £4119.91. Pictured below is Andrew doing his cheque photo at North Devon Hospice, whilst also providing all the staff and patients with an ice-cream. Thank you so much Andrew for all of your continued support to the hospice.



Well done to our lovely supporters Sarah and Donna, who not only ran and completed the North Devon half marathon but also, managed to raise an incredible £516.00 through their sponsorship. We really are so grateful, without amazing support from people like you, we really could not continue to care for patients and their families in North Devon, so thank you.




Sandra Shepard and Karen Shepard gathered their fantastic choir together in April for an evening of singing! The Minstrels Choir packed the chapel full of people and it was fantastic to hear about the local community coming together to support the choir and their two chosen charities. The evening raised a fantastic amount of money which was split between North Devon Hospice and Exeter Leukaemia Fund. Thank you so much for organising a fantastic evening and for supporting North Devon Hospice. 




We recently joined the North Devon Group of Young Farmers at their monthly meeting where we were presented a cheque of an amazing £1250.00. This money has been fundraised over the past 18months through various events. Thank you so much to you all for supporting North Devon Hospice, helping our nurses and supportive care team to support patients and their families in North Devon. Pictured below with North Devon Group of Young Farmers Club and Erin West, Community Fundraiser at North Devon Hospice.



Thank you to The Original Factory Shop - Ilfracombe and all of their customers for raising an incredible £642.15. Thank you for your continued support over the year, we really are so grateful to local businesses for supporting North Devon Hospice and for raising vital funds towards our care. 



On the 24th March, Barnstaple Concert Band and Barnstaple Ladies Choir joined forces and organised an incredible concert. With a variety of different music from both the band and the choir the night was one to remember. Thank you so much for organising such a wonderful evening and for raising an incredible £861.96. At a time where living costs are rising, we are caring for more patients than ever so I hope you know the difference you will make to patients and their families. Be sure to check out their pages for upcoming events. 



A massive thank you to George Hammet, Barclays Bank and Portmore Golf Club for hosting this months quiz night. A fun filled evening, which raised an incredible £1450.00 for North Devon Hospice. Every pound raised will ensure patients and their families get the support they need to get them through the hardest of times, thank you so much. We look forward to welcoming the winning team up the The Terrance Cafe at the hospice for lunch.



The fantastic staff at Fancy Something Sweet in Bideford made an incredible giant chocolate Easter Egg, they then used this as part of a sweepstake and raised an incredible £204.00. Thank you so much for supporting North Devon Hospice, I hope you know the difference you are making to local patients and their loved ones facing the toughest of times.



Huge thank you to everyone who made the Saunton Golf Club Big Breakfast such a success. In March, it was fantastic to see so many turn out to enjoy a delicious breakfast and taking part in the amazing raffle on offer. This year's Big Breakfast raised an amazing £2,010.86 for local families facing life-limiting illnesses, helping our nurses and counsellors be there for people who need them in the darkest times. Thank you so much to all staff, club members, attendees, and helpers who made the morning such a lovely event, we're so grateful for all your support.



The brilliant Castle Hill Corker was finally back on this February at Castle Hill Estate, Filleigh. Organised by James and the South Molton Strugglers, it raised a brilliant £750 for local end-of-life care for families around North Devon. We're so grateful for all the support from the strugglers and it's great to have this iconic running event back on after the pandemic. Every pound raised means patients and families can have care in their homes and on the bedded unit, whenever they need it most. Our nurses and counsellors are on hand to support anyone facing life-limiting illnesses, and that's only thanks to amazing people like the Strugglers.




With another year comes another Christmas present raffle for the lovely folks at TDK Lambda, Ilfracombe. This is a wonderful opportunity to rehome gifts to a loving home while supporting a local charity. We're so grateful to everyone at TDK for taking part in this brilliant raffle and raising a wonderful £255 for your local hospice. Not only that, but thank you also for donating twelve pairs of unused safety shoes to our shops, it's so kind of you and will help us continue raise vital funds for local families impacted by life-limiting illnesses.



North Devon Hospice would like to say a HUGE thank you to Fremington Trail Blazers and all who took part in the 'Beat the Fox' run over Christmas. An amazing £3000 was raised which will help our nurses and supportive care team to continue their care to patients and their families facing the most difficult of times. We are always so grateful for the support from the wonderful North Devon Community. 



A massive thank you to all the staff at Falcon Hotel, Bude for holding their Big Breakfast in aid of North Devon Hospice. It was a wonderful and busy morning, and an amazing £935.25 was raised which will help support and care for patients and their families, physically, emotionally and spiritually. A special shout of to their suppliers Chadds Foodsmiths, Phillip Dennis, Phillip Warren, Cornish Coffee and Lansdown Dairy who kindly donated produce for the breakfast. 



Thank you to the lovely members of Thornhillhead Friends who raised a whopping £1262.25 from a coffee morning held to support the North Devon Hospice. Every pound will make a difference to local families impacted by life- limiting illness such as cancer. We are so grateful for your support and all those that attended and donated. 




Every year at Lavington Church, they launch a special appeal to their congregation for a local cause. This year the church raised £200.00 and they have donated it to North Devon Hospice. We are so grateful for support like this from local people, its very likely that most people in North Devon have been supported or known someone that has been supported by North Devon Hospice, so thank you.



We are so grateful to Langtree Whist Club for the continued support over the last few years supporting North Devon Hospice, meeting every month and raising an incredible £1000.00. Thank you so much to you all, because of wonderful people like you, our nurses and supportive care team can care for patients and their families when they need it most. 



North Devon Hospice would like to say a huge thank you to Sue who has been fundraising for us over the last few years. An incredible £1000 has been raised so far from online bingo, raffles and quiz's. Thank you so much, we really do appreciate all the continued support, I hope you know the difference you are making, we could not continue caring for patients and their families without people like you. 



A massive thank you and well done to Kathryn, Carolynne, Louisa and Immy who all took part in the Exeter Half Marathon on February the 12th and ran 13.5 miles. Thank you so much to you and your wonderful friends, families and clients for supporting North Devon Hospice, overall an amazing £1392.76 was raised. Because of you, we can continue supporting hundreds of people across North Devon facing a life- limiting illness like cancer by offering care, comfort and reassurance through their darkest times, Thank you.



It was wonderful to have Old Time Music Hall return to South Molton Assembly Rooms at the end of January. Over seventy people came out for an evening of song and entertainment, and the company certainly delivered. Thank you to the company, volunteers, and audience for a fun night of laughs and sing-a-longs, who together raised a fantastic £1,311.30. Every pound will help local families receive the specialist care and support they need from our nurses and counsellors in their homes, on the Bedded Unit, and at The Long House in Holsworthy.



A big thank you to Clayfield Care home for choosing to support North Devon Hospice in their Christmas Fayre. What a wonderful day with a bake sale, raffle, music, tombola and festive craft sale raising an incredible £500.00. Our nurses and supportive care team could not continue the care and support without kind people like you, thank you.



The community of Roborough got together in January and held a coffee morning raising an incredible £1600.55 in memory of their friend Christine Tindall. It was such a wonderful morning, with some tasty home made cakes, lots of community spirit and some incredible prizes that were won at the raffle. Thank you so much to those who donated and supported this brilliant event. Your donation really does make such a difference to local people, it means our incredible nurses and supportive care team can continue to be there for people when they need them most.



North Devon Hospice would like to say a big thank you to Janet Lock for raising an incredible £225.00. In December Janet took on the challenge to virtually climb the three peaks. Janet has Multiple Sclerosis, and used to use a walking stick, but after completing this challenge climbing 209 floors on the stairmaster and doing 39km on the cross trainer, Janet no longer requires her stick. Janet, I hope you know how much your donation will help local patients and their loved ones and on top of that you have inspired so many people, thank you so much.



In December, Mole Valley Farmers in South Molton, held their annual Santa's grotto raising an incredible £966.92. So many smiles were had at the late night store openings where children were able to spend some time with Santa and receive a gift, in return for a small donation to the hospice and from collection tins at the checkouts. The funds will make a real difference to local people currently dealing with the impact of illnesses like cancer. A massive thank you to our lovely volunteers Michael and Rosemary Eaton who were an integral part of the event.



A massive thank you to Brian William for raising an incredible £4250.00. Brian organised another incredible raffle after his success last year, but this year in memory of Nigel. Thank you so much for all the hard work that went into this, selling the tickets and for getting some amazing prizes. Because of you we are able to help patients and their loved ones to create ever lasting memories even in their final days, from birdwatching from their balcony at the bedded unit, to family dinners in our terrace cafe, it is so important to us to be able to make sure that the ending matters, Thank you for making this possible.



Throughout 2022, the wonderful members of Happy Feet Dance Academy raised a fantastic £1,120 for local families facing life-limiting illnesses. This wonderful total was raised through a range of activities - ticket sales, raffles, quizzes, an auction, sale of dance shoes, and donations in lieu of Christmas cards. Thank you so much to everyone who donated, it's thanks to you our hospice nurses can provide round the clock care to people in their homes and on the Bedded Unit.



Another wonderful and successful morning at Saunton Golf Club where they held another big breakfast. Thank you to all the incredible ladies who helped to organise and run the event, raising a fantastic £1279.00. Lots of all day breakfasts were thoroughly enjoyed by lots of people. We are so grateful for your continued support, every pound raised helps us to give care, support and reassurance to people in North Devon touch by cancer and other life limiting illnesses. 



Thank you so much to President Jill and Bideford Rotary Club for raising an incredible £1000.00 at their event in summer. We are so grateful for the continuous support from your rotary club, I hope you all know the difference you will make to patients and their families in the local area facing the toughest of times. Because of generous donations like this means we can continue to care and support the whole family, thank you.



A huge thank you to Trish Parsons, Chris and Marjorie Cork and all who attended the 'Putting on the glitz' party, another brilliant event with live music from Soul Intentions. This is the second party they have organised this year, raising such an incredible amount again for North Devon Hospice. We could not continue to care for patients and their families without wonderful support from people like you. North Devon Hospice, would like to say thank you again, for your generosity and kindness, I hope you know the difference you will make. 



Thank you so much to Brian and the rest of the local community who organised Quarryfest, An incredible event, with live music, food, crafts and games. An amazing £1200 was raised for North Devon Hospice, and we are so grateful. Because of you, we are able to support local patients and their families, and ensure that their ending matters. Because of you, our supportive care team can be there for not only the patient but their whole family. We really are so grateful for your support.



For her 60th year, Claire wanted to push herself to do more than she ever has done before. Her challenge included a 10-mile run, a 30-mile walk, a 60-mile cycle ride - affectionately named the 10-30-60 challenge. Not only was each disciplined completed on its own day, Claire also trained spent time training for each challenge and dedicating an hour every single day to moving or taking part in any kind of fitness activity, such as skipping or a spin class. Despite unexpected weather changes and a bout of covid, Claire persevered and completed her challenge in time for her 60th birthday, all the while raising a fantastic £1,215.27 to support the hospice. Our warmest thanks to Claire for choosing to support the hospice with this amazing challenge; every pound will make a difference to local families impacted by life-limiting illnesses such as cancer.



North Devon Hospice would like to say a big thank you to Bideford Baptist Church and all who attended their harvest celebrations. An incredible £472.00 was raised over the course of a week of brilliant events such as a beetle drive and a fish and chip supper. We are so grateful for everyone who helped to organise this incredible fundraiser, and all who took part and donated, a special thanks to Reverend Adrian and Catherine Lloyd, Janice and Dave Goodney and John and Chris Lester who are pictured below. Thank you so much, because of you we can continue to be there for patients and there families across North Devon when they need it most.



Thank you to Borderline Morris for raising a wonderful £150 from collections when dancing throughout the year. Every pound raised means patients and families across North Devon facing life-limiting illnesses, such as cancer or organ failure, don’t have to navigate this difficult time alone. Thank you so much to all the members of Borderline Morris for choosing to support the hospice with your wonderful dancing.



North Devon Hospice would like to say another huge thank you to all the staff and campers at Cherry Tree Farm Camping. Each year Hayley, Andrea and the rest of the team at Cherry Tree Farm raise such an incredible amount for North Devon Hospice. £6492.48 was raised this summer, which is the most amount yet and we really are so truly grateful to you all for having our collection tins, donating and for supporting our charity. You will all make such a difference to patients and their families facing the hardest of times.




A big thank you to Riverside Caravan Park who raised an incredible £1820.00 from their Oktoberfest weekend earlier this year. Thank you to all the people who attended and donated, it sounded like a brilliant event with Live music, a vintage tractor and classic car display, live stalls and great food and drink. Because of you, our hospice nurses, and supportive care teams can continue to care and support patients and their families in and around North Devon, we are so grateful for your kind donation.



We are so incredibly grateful to North Molton Young Farmers for raising an amazing £7700.00. We are blown away by the amount of money you have all managed to raise, thank you so much for supporting North Devon Hospice. Every year we have to raise over £6million to care and support over 5000 families, so this will truly help in so many ways. North Molton Young Farmers trained so hard over the summer and cycled 100 miles from Plymouth to Ilfracombe back in July, with the support of lots of people, local business's and other fundraisers such as a bingo and auction, they managed to raise an amazing amount. Thank you so much, it will make such a difference. 




A massive thank you to the pupils at Sticklepath Community School who got together and organised some fundraising events, including a non pupil day and a bake sale. They managed to raise an incredible £335.04. We are so grateful, thank you for choosing North Devon Hospice, your support will help so many patients and their families in and around North Devon. 




North Devon Hospice would like to say a huge thank you to Debbie Veale and the amazing people of Torrington for raising a magnificent £4,483.19 from the inaugural Great Torrington Jigsaw Festival. Taking place over two days in August at the Social Vale Club, over 800 jigsaws were carefully assembled and on display. With delicious cakes kindly donated by The Puffing Billy and a range of puzzles to peruse from 9 pieces up to 5,000, there was a puzzle for everyone. Thank you so much Debbie, Jemima, and all the team for giving so much of your time to the festival and making it a huge success.




 Thank you so much to Lynn Campbell and the incredible Shirwell community who held a coffee morning in their village hall and raising an amazing £250.00. We are truly grateful, without your support we wouldn't be able to continue to care and support patients and their families facing a life limiting illness. Special mention to Sue Friend who kindly makes all the yummy cakes each month for the coffee mornings, thank you all so much.




Naomi Cutler and her dad Richie took on the Cardiff Half Marathon in aid of North Devon Hospice. In Naomi's words, "North Devon Hospice have done an incredible job at looking after a close friend and their family over the last few years during her battle with cancer, we can't thank your team enough for the support that you have given them and we wanted to give back by raising money for you". Huge congratulations to you both for completing the Cardiff Half and raising a fantastic £1000 along the way, thank you so much for you commitment and enthusiasm to support the families who need the hospice.



North Devon Hospice would like to say a massive thank you to Bradworthy Young Farmers for raising an incredible £1044.62. What an amazing amount, which will help us to continue to care and support patients in their homes, at the bedded unit and at the Long house, our outreach centre in Holsworthy. Around 190 people attended the event, where the young farmers did a 3.5 mile cider and pasty walk around the Sutcombe area. Thank you so much, 



Not 1, not 2, but 10 hours bowling was done by Kingsley Indoor Bowling Team in their brilliant Bowlathon. Raising an incredible £850 for North Devon Hospice, which will help to care and support local patients and their families facing the hardest of times. Thank you so much to Jenny Rhodes and all who took part in this event and who kindly donated. We are so very grateful for all of your support, It was an amazing day, with bacon sandwiches and non stop bowling. What an achievement - Well done! Pictured below Kingsley Indoor Bowling Club presenting cheque to Erin West at North Devon Hospice.



North Devon Hospice would like to say a huge well done and thank you to Andy Weir for raising an incredible £2,540.00 with a sponsored-slim. Between January 4th and August 2nd, Andy lost 4st 3lbs, and he isn't done yet. Thank you for the fantastic support from Kate Elston and the Slimming World group in Bideford, and the Bideford Over 50s Walking Football Club who really helped keep the activity levels up. Thank you also to all the wonderful sponsors who gave so generously. Andy, we wish you the very best with your future weight-loss and sincerely appreciate you taking on the extra challenge of raising vital funds for our patients and families.



The wonderful Voices of Exmoor choir took to the aptly named music room at the stunning Woolhanger Manor to perform, not only for the first time on two and a half years, but also the world premiere of an original song, written as part of Making Music's "Adopt A Music Creator 2022". A range of pieces were performed and the audience were extremely encouraging throughout, enjoying the lively pieces alongside the more gentle and poignant ones. This concert was the first in a series supporting local charities, this time in aid of North Devon Hospice, St Margaret's Hospice, and the Devon Air Ambulance Trust. Thank you to everyone for your support and keep an eye out for the Christmas concert!



Earlier in the summer, the St Giles on the Heath Women's Guild held their annual summer fete for the first time since 2019. There was a raffle, plant sale, book sale, bric-a-brac, groceries, and guessing games. It was wonderful to see so many local people out in support of the fete and the hospice. Combined with a couple other events, the women's guild have raised a fantastic £540.00 for local families facing life-limiting illnesses, allowing care and support to be received at Deer Park, The Long House, and in homes. Thank you so much for all your support ladies, it was a pleasure to join you at the fete and see you again at your AGM for a photo and talk.



Thank you so much to local artist and retired hospice doctor Howard Friend for organising a brilliant event, selling his wonderful watercolour paintings and donating the proceeds to North Devon Hospice. An incredible £2690.00 was raised, it was a lovely day, enjoyed by many and we are so grateful for the incredible support, Howard knows first hand how much every pound raised helps to care and support people when they need it most. Thank you so much Howard and for all who organised, help and donated. Pictured is Howard Friend presenting cheque to Erin West at North Devon Hospice.



Thank you so much to 'Our Plumbers Bristol' for choosing North Devon Hospice as your charity to support and donating £100. As a local charity, we need to raise £6 million from scratch every year to keep providing care and support for thousands of local people, we can only do this with the help and support of the community. 



An amazing £1620.00 was raised for North Devon Hospice at Braunton Beach Party. A massive thank you to all involved and to Soul Intentions who performed. A fantastic evening was had by all, every penny raised helps to support and care for local patients in the area who are facing the toughest of times. Pictured is Trish, Chris and Marjorie who were involved in the organisation and planning of this amazing event, thank you so much. 



In memory of their Dad, Helena and Dominic bungee jumped off the Verzasca Dam in Switzerland - the third highest bungee jump in the world! Despite being utterly petrified of heights, they both completed the jump in memory of their Dad, Martin, and the support he received from the hospice in his final days. Thank you for raising a brilliant £475.00 with your brave bungee jump for people like your Dad to receive care and support in their homes when they need it most.



A massive thank you to all who attended the street party at Green Meadow raising an incredible £210.00. The community used the field in their area to do a cake and bake sale with face painting and a bouncy castle, a great day enjoyed by many families in the sun. Your support really does make such a difference to patients and their families in the local area who are facing life limiting illness’s. Thanks to those who organised and attended the great day.



North Devon Hospice would like to say a HUGE thank you to West Quay Fundraisers in Appledore for raising an amazing £1000 from their big breakfast on the 16th April at St Mary’s Church Room. Thank you for the continued support you give us, because of you patients and their families are supported at home as well as on the bedded unit. Our biggest thanks goes to everyone who organised the event and who took part in the day to help make it a success. In photo, Graham Stone from WQFR presented cheque to Jadeen Lowe from North Devon Hospice



The wonderful partners at Waitrose Holsworthy have kindly donated £500.00 to support The Long House through their Give A Little Love Scheme. During the pandemic the Long House sadly had to close with all services happening remotely where possible. After almost two years the doors to the Long House are open once again and our Supportive Care Team are there to welcome people back. So far this year, a bereavement group has run, along with one to one counselling and complimentary therapy sessions. This summer there will be a project group for patients which we're looking forward to. Thank you so much to Waitrose for your years of support, it's because of you that our nurses and counsellors are able to support local people facing life-limiting illnesses. Pictured is Waitrose partner Paula Lawman presenting the cheque to Jadeen Lowe, North Devon Hospice Community & Events Fundraiser.



Congratulations to The Thatched Inn, Abbotsham for hosting their first Big Breakfast in over three years due to the pandemic. It was a lovely day and everyone enjoying their breakfast raised an amazing £710.00 for families supported by North Devon Hospice when facing life-limiting illnesses. Thank you to Les and his team for all your hard work and support of the hospice, you are all making a difference.



North Devon Hospice would like to say a huge thank you to the social team at TDK Lambda for rehoming unwanted Christmas gifts by running a raffle. This is an amazing fundraising idea and we are thrilled to see it raised £216.00 for local end of life care. Thank you so much to Nikki Swanson - Assembly Operator, Geoff Wilby - Managing Director (pictured), and everyone who took part in the raffle, every pound you raised means patients and their families living with incurable illnesses can receive the specialist emotional and medical care they need.



North Devon Hospice would like to say a huge thank you to the Bideford & District Riding Club for raising £620.00 from their recent dressage competition in memory of Juliet Allard. Juliet was a much loved and loyal member of the Club who had great passion for horses and enjoyed competing dressage on her beautiful horse, Felix. Juliet had so many friends and contacts who came together to make the event such a success. Special thanks to the judges, John Fullick and Yolande Ifold who gave their time for free, OCR Architecture, Torch Equine Vets, TDK-Lambda and DP Farm & Country Store for their generous donations and sponsorship, and Claire Large for the brightly coloured rosettes, which Juliet would have loved. The Club hope to run this event on an annual basis. Juliet received wonderful care from the hospice on the Bedded Unit in her final weeks and she is very much missed by her family and riding club friends. Pictured is Emily Davidson, being presented by Juliet’s husband, Adam, with the Juliet Allard Memorial cup (donated by Torch Equine Vets). Pictured Corrina Bright (Chairwoman of BDRC) and Sharon Rees (with Lulu) handing over a cheque for £620.00 to Jadeen Lowe from North Devon Hospice.



A huge thank you to South Molton Town Council for kindly supporting North Devon Hospice at last year’s Fireworks Display and Christmas Light Switch On and raising a brilliant £1,800.55 for local patients and families facing life-limiting illnesses. This amount was raised through bucket collections at both events and the donation of pitch fees by vendors at the Christmas Light Switch On. Pictured are Mel James, Events and Promotions Manager of South Molton Town Council; Kate Kilburn from North Devon Hospice Fundraising Team; and Andrew Coates, Town Clerk of South Molton Town Council.



Debbie and Robert have enjoyed jigsaw puzzles for many years, and during lockdown they wanted to share that fun with fellow enthusiasts both locally and further afield. They received donations and sales from all over the country, with some customers returning regularly to donate completed puzzles and buy a new one, and one special jigsaw selling for £50! It was then that Debbie and Robert hoped to raised £100. In the end, with over 400 jigsaws sold and more than 80 trips to the post office, they raised a fantastic £2,000.60 for the patients and families of the hospice. Thank you so much to Debbie, Robert, all the volunteers who helped make the puzzles up, everyone who kindly donated, and to everyone who purchased a jigsaw, this wonderful achievement would not have been possible without you all.



Throughout November, Gemma Roberts set the challenge of completing a marathon distance on her skates...every week. Accompanied at times by her daughter, Isla, and friend and fellow skater, Karla, Gemma clocked over 100 miles of skating on the Tarka Trail and raised an amazing £1,400 for North Devon Hospice in memory of friend, Tom. Tom was a fellow parent at her daughter's school, and his wife and children were at the final finish line to wave Gemma through at the end of her incredible challenge. Thank you so much Gemma for supporting the hospice, because of you we can be there for people like Tom across North Devon.



Thank you so much to Brian for raising a fantastic £2,270.00 for families facing life-limiting illnesses in North Devon. Brian ran an epic raffle with over 25 excellent prizes to be won. Our sincere thanks to everyone at Saunton Golf Club who supported Brian and his raffle, you are making a difference to local families facing incurable illnesses this Christmas.



Huge thank you to Hayley, Andrea, and everyone from Cherry Tree Farm Campsite for raising an incredible £6,485.10 this summer for North Devon Hospice. Campers were encouraged to make a donation when using a range of extra facilities, such as charging points or ice packs. Thank you to everyone at Cherry Tree Farm for your continued support of the hospice. Because of you, patients and family members who are living with an incurable illness can have support in their own homes as well as on the bedded unit today.




On a beautiful summers day in late July, the members of Braunton Bowling Club held a fundraising day in aid of North Devon Hospice. It was a wonderful day enjoyed by all and raised a fantastic £600 for local families impacted by incurable illnesses such as cancer. Our warmest thanks goes to everyone at the bowling club who took part on the day and helped make it a success.



Emma took to the summer skies for a 15,000ft skydive in memory of her Mum. Family and friends watched from the ground as Emma completed her jump on what would have been her Mum & Dad's 50th wedding anniversary. Thank you so much Emma for raising an amazing £1,625 for North Devon families impacted by incurable illness.



At the end of July, Mark took on the huge challenge of walking over 100km from Minehead to 2 days! Proudly wearing his hospice t-shirt, Mark took on this tricky challenge in memory of his Dad who was cared for by the hospice. Setting an initial target of £300, Mark smashed his fundraising and raised a brilliant £795 for families like his. Thank you so much Mark for all your support, you've done a fantastic job!




Since September last year, Kathryn and her beloved dog Rufus have been taking part in the Virtual Land's End to John O'Groats challenge - a total of 874 miles walked in just under 8 months! They've been logging miles in a variety of places and in a range of weather, but that never stopped them moving forward and raising vital funds for the families supported by North Devon Hospice when facing life-limiting illnesses. Thank you Kathryn & Rufus!



Despite her jump date being postponed due to the pandemic, Amy Robins was finally able to complete her skydive for the North Devon Hospice on a clear and sunny day. Well done for raising a fantastic £1409.68 for families and patients living with incurable illnesses; you are making a difference to so many and we’re incredibly grateful to you Amy for all the brilliant fundraising you do.




The Rotary Club of Braunton Caen, in partnership with the Rotary Clubs of Barnstaple, Barnstaple Link, Bideford Bridge, Bideford Tarka, eClub South West Peninsula, Holsworthy and Ilfracombe, worked together to raise money by holding a virtual balloon race! 827 colourful balloons were "launched" in aid of North Devon Hospice on Easter Sunday from Istanbul in Turkey, and finished seven days later. ‘Phoebe’ the winning Balloon travelled an incredible 776 km and was last seen heading for Alexandria!

Thank you all for your hard work and energy to put on this event, it is truly appreciated. Because of you, patients and family members who are living with an incurable illness can have support in their own homes as well as on the bedded unit today.



For some time, Jenny had been known to say " the year I turn 40, I will shave my head for charity". This year Jenny turns 40, and she's done exactly what she always said she would, she shaved her head! Thank you for all your support Jenny and huge congratulations to you for raising an incredible £2,315 for North Devon Hospice. With your support, patients and families living with life-limiting illnesses can receive the specialist care and support they need.



Wow! The incredible Titans Netball club took on a January Running Lockdown Challenge and managed to run 998 miles between them, raising a whooping £500.00 by donating 50 pence per mile. They presented the cheque to North Devon Hospice because it has touched so many of our members lives and in loving memory of coach, Jo Elliott.

Thank you Titans for helping families living with an incurable illness in North Devon right now and well done for staying motivated and active during lockdown - you are all stars!



A huge thank you to the UK Sales and Marketing team at Accord UK who took part in a virtual fundraising challenge; walking, running, cycling or swimming the distance between all four of the Accord UK sites (833.3 miles). The team raised an incredible £3,000 and clocked up an astonishing 3237.57 miles (smashing the original target).

Thank you to you all for taking on such an epic challenge and supporting our patients and their families during these uncertain times. Pictured here presenting the virtual cheque to hospice corporate fundraiser, Claire Paine, is Pete Kelly, Accord UK Managing Director.


Having previously experienced with her family the work the hospice does, Katie wanted to help make sure care could continue to be given to patients and their families during this difficult time, so she put her running shoes. Over 25 days, Katie ran an incredible 250km - the equivalent of 6 marathons! Including gift aid, she has raised an amazing £1,122.50 for patients facing life-limiting illness and their families.




Jenny Rutter & Janet Goodall from the Riverside Support Group and Maddy from Everything Westward presented a wonderful £4227.15 for North Devon Hospice. This incredible total was raised be sewing and selling face masks. Huge thanks to Jenny who has crafted each lovely mask and to Everything Westward who kindly sell the masks in their beautiful shop. The money raised will help families who are facing the toughest times this festive season.



To honour his late Step Nan, 11-year-old Ben wanted to take on a personal challenge. Ben decided he was going to try running, and set himself the task of running 5k and asking for sponsorship. He sailed pass his initial target of £100, and has raised a brilliant £1,105 in memory of his Step Nan, thank you so much Ben!




For the 20th year, the Sloley Farm Open returned to Saunton Golf Club. Organised by John Boxall, this year's competition saw 16 teams take to the West Course on a sunny October day, and raised an incredible £1,330. Thank you so much to everyone for taking part, to North Devon Account for sponsoring the event, and to John Boxall for all your support.




Max has been camping out for over 200 nights now, and his goal is to camp out for a whole year! So far he's raised over £62,700, a true inspiration.



Having already done a sponsored head and beard shave earlier in the year, Paul and friends from The Horse and Groom this time took on a sponsored bike ride from The Horse and Groom to The Kings Arms Bideford and back. From sponsorship and money collected on the day, they've raised a brilliant £1,264.47 for the hospice. Thank you so much to you all!



Jackie Rudman and Chris Walsh have been growing and delivering flowers throughout the summer and raised a wonderful £1804.24! Thank you Jackie and Chris for raising smiles with your flowers and by supporting North Devon Hospice. 

Jackie gives her thanks to outlets; The Good Food company at St Johns Garden Centre as well as at Ashford Garden Centre and Twigs florist in Newport. Despite the difficulties of operating within Covid restrictions these businesses have been really supportive in selling the flowers and bringing the work of the Hospice to the public notice. Thanks too, to volunteer pickers Chris Wright and Margaret Kemp and of course the generous people of North Devon who have ordered flowers regularly from Jackie. 




Each year, Andrea sets herself the target of raising more than the year before by selling pre-loved items online. She does this in memory of her dad who was cared for at home by hospice nurses. Her latest total is an incredible £1,216 which will help people like Andrea's dad receive the support they need at home. Thank you Andrea and everyone that supports her.




Clare Langmead took on the serious challenge of walking Lynton to Combe Martin and back in memory of her mum. Supported by her good friend, Amy, daughter, Nik and her niece, Amber. They managed to complete the walk in one day and presented a whooping £810.17 to North Devon Hospice who cared for Claire’s mum in her final days. What a special tribute and challenge to take on, thank you Claire and all who supported her.



Jane & Geoff Marshall presented an incredible £4227.00 to North Devon Hospice to help families facing an incurable illness today. They raised this phenomenal amount making and selling face masks.  Grateful thanks to Jane and Geoff for all their hard work. Thanks to Croyde Post Office and Cherry Tree Farm campsite for selling the masks and to all those who helped and supported.



Paul Bevan and the other residents of Pynes Walk, Bideford have been busy raising money whilst socially distanced from their own gardens throughout lockdown! Bingo & dancing outside your own front door were regular features in the Pynes Walk community after the Thursday Night applause. They raised a huge amount of cheer and a whooping £4077.47. Here they've come together in their family bubbles for a cheque photo to celebrate their amazing fundraising! 



Despite his jump date being postponed due to lockdown, it all worked out for the best for Glenn - this change of plan meant he could complete his skydive in memory of his mum on her birthday. Glenn raised an amazing £1863.67 and had the experience of a lifetime, well done!




8 year old Ruby decided to fundraise by setting herself the challenge to climb Mount Everest on her stairs at home! She climbed her stairs 3,229 times throughout a month to reach her goal and raise over £400.00. What an amazing commitment! And she even made this lovely t-shirt to celebrate. 



Jenny signed up to the Hospice Hair Raiser and decided her challenge would be to shave her head. She raised over £2,000 in the process and got a new look which really works for her, good on you Jenny!



10-year-old Max from Braunton started a sponsored camp-out in his back garden at the beginning of lockdown. He's now gone past 100 consecutive nights and raised over £8,500!

Max Woosey 100 nights



After her mum was cared for by the hospice, Janet wanted to do something special. She bravely said goodbye to her curly hair, raised over £1300, and is rocking a fab new look! 




These wonderful ladies have made hundreds of brightly coloured face coverings for the Fremington community. This amazing undertaking has kept them busy and helped them stay positive, while also providing a local service which has increased the confidence of residents, all while raising over £1000 for two local charities!




Fiona took part in the CHSW Virtual 5km Rainbow Run, but took it a step further by running 55km over a weekend. She raised an amazing £741, which inspired Fiona and her husband Andrew to help even more people by matching that amount with a donation to North Devon Hospice, incredible!




Zac is a keen runner and during lockdown decided to run a half marathon from his home to his school. Along with dad Bill, Zac completed his challenge in 1 hour 51 minutes and raised over £1,000 on the way. Well done Zac!



After he couldn't make the new date of the North Devon Marathon in 2020, James decided to run the route on the original date, so that he could still raise funds for the hospice! He raised £150, good on you James!

James Merriman



These two were missing being able to perform, so they thought they'd stream a live gig to entertain and raise some money. Nice one guys!




Freddie and Maddy took to the pool everyday no matter the weather, to swim 19km from the North Devon coast to Lundy. It was chilly at times but that didn't stop them, great job you two!